I'm Stephanie and I empower women to achieve true financial freedom through expert wealth guidance and personalized coaching

Together, we navigate the complexities of personal finance, harnessing an abundance mindset for informed investments and strategic wealth-building, while ensuring a secure future for themselves and their loved ones.

I’m Stephanie and I empower women to achieve true financial freedom through expert wealth guidance and personalized coaching

Together, we navigate the complexities of personal finance, harnessing an abundance mindset for informed investments and strategic wealth-building, while ensuring a secure future for themselves and their loved ones.

I’m Stephanie and I empower women to achieve true financial freedom through expert wealth guidance and personalized coaching

Together, we navigate the complexities of personal finance, harnessing an abundance mindset for informed investments and strategic wealth-building, while ensuring a secure future for themselves and their loved ones.

Ready To Take Control Of Your Financial Destiny And Build Lasting Prosperity?

As a trusted wealth advisor and coach, our mission is to guide you through every step of your financial journey. From cultivating an abundance mindset to crafting personalized investment strategies, we’re here to ensure your financial aspirations become reality. Get ready to transform your financial future – it’s time to take control and build a life of autonomy, abundance, and lasting legacy.



On Demand Tools

Explore our comprehensive on-demand digital product library, a treasury of tools and resources designed to empower your financial journey. From budgeting to investment insights, our resources provide practical guidance for every step of your wealth-building path.



On Demand Tools

Explore our comprehensive on-demand digital product library, a treasury of tools and resources designed to empower your financial journey. From budgeting to investment insights, our resources provide practical guidance for every step of your wealth-building path.



Planning & Resources

Dedicated to helping you build wealth and achieve financial security through personalized planning. From assessing your financial situation to developing actionable plans, we guide you toward measurable goals, ensuring you’re on track to fulfill both short-term dreams and long-term legacies. Our services encompass careful risk assessment and protection, offering tailored strategies to safeguard your assets, whether it’s managing business risks or ensuring your estate planning is comprehensive.



Planning & Resources

Planning & Resources

Dedicated to helping you build wealth and achieve financial security through personalized planning. From assessing your financial situation to developing actionable plans, we guide you toward measurable goals, ensuring you’re on track to fulfill both short-term dreams and long-term legacies. Our services encompass careful risk assessment and protection, offering tailored strategies to safeguard your assets, whether it’s managing business risks or ensuring your estate planning is comprehensive.



Advisory & Management

We focus on smart financial planning and investment strategies tailored to your unique life stage, from early beginnings to retirement. Our independent approach ensures you benefit from a diverse range of investment options, and our transparent fee structure is designed to help you achieve sustainable results. Moreover, our wealth management expertise encompasses estate planning, ensuring your wealth is passed on efficiently and in alignment with your values, supported by our team’s meticulous research and a commitment to your financial well-being.



Advisory & Management

We focus on smart financial planning and investment strategies tailored to your unique life stage, from early beginnings to retirement. Our independent approach ensures you benefit from a diverse range of investment options, and our transparent fee structure is designed to help you achieve sustainable results. Moreover, our wealth management expertise encompasses estate planning, ensuring your wealth is passed on efficiently and in alignment with your values, supported by our team’s meticulous research and a commitment to your financial well-being.


   “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and lesss important whether I am afraid.”

Audre Lorde

I’m Stephanie, and I’m not your typical financial advisor.

I’m committed to redefining the way you approach wealth management. No more jargon filled, stuffy financial talks – I’m all about making finance as exciting as that perfect getaway vacation.

Empowerment to me means the freedom to dream big, the tools to chase those dreams, and the confidence to achieve them. It’s about having the roadmap that aligns with your aspirations.

Empowerment comes in various forms – from acing that career milestone to building your wealth empire. It’s about feeling that inner harmony that says, “This is my path.”

Stephanie B. Bowens, BFA
CEO & Wealth Advisor, Chrysalis Capital Management

I help get you there by giving you the knowledge and tools you need. When you succeed, you set the stage for others to follow suit. And guess what? Information is the heart of empowerment. It’s about understanding how wealth works, how to craft a strategy, and how to ensure your financial security.

But the journey isn’t just about numbers. I’m a believer in enjoying life too.

When I’m not immersed in financial strategies, you’ll find me cooking up culinary delights or supporting causes close to my heart, like the American Heart Association or spending time at women’s shelters talking to them about entrepreneurship.

So, ready to embrace the world of finance with a sprinkle of inspiring magic? Let’s make your financial journey exhilarating, stress-free, and full of empowered choices.

I’m Stephanie, and I’m not your typical financial advisor.

Stephanie B. Bowens, BFA
CEO & Wealth Advisor, Chrysalis Capital Management

I’m committed to redefining the way you approach wealth management. No more jargon-flled, stuffy financial talks – I’m all about making finance as excitng as that perfect getaway vacation.

Empowerment to me means the freedom to dream big, the tools to chase those dreams, and the confidence to achieve them. It’s about having the roadmap that aligns with your aspirations.

Empowerment comes in various forms – from acing that career milestone to building your wealth empire. It’s about feeling that inner harmony that says, “This is my path.”

I help get you there by giving you the knowledge and tools you need. When you succeed, you set the stage for others to follow suit. And guess what? Information is the heart of empowerment. It’s about understanding how wealth works, how to craft a strategy, and how to ensure your financial security.

But the journey isn’t just about numbers. I’m a believer in enjoying life too.

When I’m not immersed in financial strategies, you’ll find me cooking up culinary delights or supporting causes close to my heart, like the American Heart Association or spending time at women’s shelters talking to them about entrepreneurship.

So, ready to embrace the world of finance with a sprinkle of inspiring magic? Let’s make your financial journey exhilarating, stress-free, and full of empowered choices.


Financial Freedom Compass

If you’re ready to unlock clarity, confidence, and the strategies needed to achieve true financial freedom, what you need most is a clear path to show you the way. In this free guide, I walk you through the simple steps you can take no matter where you are on your journey and help you take control of your financial destiny and unlock a future of abundance and fulfillment. 

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Helping people achieve true financial

Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or you’re looking for guidance, support & inspiration on your path to financial freedom and abundance… We’ve got you.